[+] July 2009
[+] August 2009

Your Prayers

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Zi Qi Jacyntha YeeKuan Siew Ting

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Friday, August 21, 2009


Dear God,
I hope you can help me out.Is it when someone hates you, he or she will hate you 4ever? I have a classmate who is always giving me cold stares. I didnt really know that that person actually hates me until most recently.I dun noe how to tell you my feelings but I hope you understand. I am unsure of what I had done that had caused that person to always glare at me. You know me well. I hate to create enemies or bad frenz!!!!!Rite?? I dont noe whether I had accidentally or unknowingly offended that person. I do admit that maybe I was quite fierce looking and unfriendly at the start of the year. I want to apologise but will my apology ever be accepted? Daddy God hear me out. I want to commit this matter into your hands and let you take care of it. I am waiting to see good news and more miracles in my life!


Dearest Daddy God,
I had just completed my exams and I am still awaiting the test results. At least, I can have some stress off my shoulder alr! I am glad to bring you into my exams and whatever situation I am facing. I really feel your presence with me during the exams. Thank you so much!!!!I really wish that you can help me to pass with flying colors. I know that I just have to keep on trusting you and things will come to pass! I hope that as I go forth durin the day, you will help me to walk deeper and bless me in every step of my way!

Your beloved child in christ,

Saturday, August 15, 2009

The word I learnt today!!!!!!!!

The world may have H1N1 virus but we have psalms 91 in the bible. Angels are always protecting us every step of the way!No evil nor harm can befall God's people as we have Jesus's blood bought rights! We will have victory over the devil and the devil will trample at our feet.Devil tries to make us fearful but we stand strong in God's power.I know that once I set my love on Jesus, all fears are gone, all troubles removed!Come on people, a place of believers is a place of rest! God want us to just receive not try to fight on our own! Jesus has paid for all our sickness and troubles on that cross! I know I am fighting from victory, not for victory!!!!!!!WOOH! Jesus is a mighty saviour.

My day

Today is simply awesome! I go to church in the afternoon and had crazy and close bondings with my church frenz. We chat, we share and we encourage one another for coming exams. I had never gotten frenz who I could ever confide in my previous church. In this church, I don care! We are a big D.A.R.E family!We are all brothers and sisters in christ! I really experienced God's wholeness in my life. Especially when I go thru my most difficult times.!!!!!!!!!!! Daddy God is always there to catch me when I fall and guide me every step of the way.I look forward to each church session.Sometimes, I just really feel his presence. It is really beyong words!

Friday, August 14, 2009


oh no ! I forgot to post pictures this time! Maybe next! Sry , not enogh time.

Wrong beliefs of non-believers

I think that some non-believers think that onli christians are entitled to going to church! It is not true. Non-believers are welcome any where, anytime.Non-believers think that christians are holy and they have to b the same to join a church.NOPE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Certainly not at all. Non-believers , come as you are .Don hav to try to b like christians.Jus need to b interested in christianity.I promise you that you will have fun, make new frenz and see your life transformed! YOU do not need to think that non-believers would b chased out or unwelcomed! Come on! God sent Jesus to die for our sins so that we can xperience wholeness and health. Non-believers are obviouly welcomed in to the house of God. If you are facing a problem, come to church and see your problems change for the better!!!!

My day

Today is such an early day. I was released from school early so I got extra time to revise for my test. I just hope to lead a more enthu and interesting life. I feel that I am a bit kept to myself in school. N..........erdy in a way! I dont wan to go crazy either, screaming every second of the day. Yet, I want to be a free bird. I know Jesus has died on the cross and set me free. I can now b more than just a happy and enthu bird!It would b gr8 to make new friends and be more of myself.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Hi everyone,
I am new to this blog. First time trying it. looks cool! oh my gosh this is awesome

kerlin blog pic

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